ONTARIO COURTS Ontario Courts — All levels of Ontario courts. ONTARIO TRIBUNALS Tribunals Ontario — A group of 13 adjudicative tribunals: Assessment Review Board, Animal Care Review Board, Child and Family Services Review Board, Custody Review Board, Fire Safety Commission, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, Landlord and Tenant Board, Licence Appeal Tribunal, Ontario Civilian Police Commission, Ontario Parole Board, Ontario Special Education Tribunal (English), Ontario Special Education Tribunal (French) and Social Benefits Tribunal. | FEDERAL COURTS Supreme Court of Canada — Canada's final court of appeal. Hears appeals from the decisions of the highest courts of final resort of the provinces and territories, as well as from the Federal Court of Appeal and the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada.
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal — Decides whether a person or organization has engaged in a discriminatory practice as defined under the Canadian Human Rights Act. |
CASE LAW ONTARIO & FEDERAL CASE LAW CanLII — Provides open access to court judgments from all Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all Canada’s provinces and territories. It also contains decisions from many tribunals nationally. It contains the consolidated statutes and regulations of every jurisdiction in Canada. CanLII Connects — A blog that provides open access to high quality legal commentary on Canadian court decisions. |
INTERNATIONAL CASE LAW British and Irish Legal Information Institute — British and Irish case law and legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and more. Australasian Legal Information Institute — Australia's online free-access resource for Australasian legal materials. Court of Justice of the European Union — Case law, legal publications, annual reports, and more. United Nations Human Rights Database — Facilitates access to decisions on individual complaints on human rights violations by eight treaty bodies and aims at assisting the public, States, national human rights institutions, civil society, academia, as well as the United Nations and international regional mechanisms to research the vast body of legal interpretation of international human rights law as it has evolved over the past years. WorldLII World Legal Information Institute — Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law. |
ONTARIO STATUTES & REGULATIONS e-Laws — Provides access to official copies of Ontario statutes and regulations. Orders in Council — An Order in Council is a legal order made by the Lieutenant Governor, on the advice of the Premier or a Minister. Search for digital copies of Orders approved after July 1, 2016 from newest to oldest. Can also be consulted to confirm when a particular piece of legislation has been proclaimed in force. Osgoode's Historical Statutes Collection — Provides access to statutes of the Province of Ontario, from colonial times to 1999 inclusive, as officially published in the annual or sessional statute volumes for the years when the legislation was passed. Also provides access to a collection of Revised Statutes of Ontario, from 1914 to the last in 1990, as officially published by the Queen’s Printer, reproduced in PDF format. Standing Orders — Documents that govern how parliamentarians behave. | FEDERAL STATUTES & REGULATIONS Justice Laws — Provides access to official copies of Federal statutes and regulations. Canada Gazette — The official publication of the Government of Canada. Part I contains notices and proposed regulations. Part II contains official regulations. Part III contains acts of Parliament. LEGISinfo — Search for current and historical federal bills from the House of Commons and the Senate. Provides a wide range of information about each bill. Parliamentary Business — Find debates (Hansard transcripts) and other vital publications from current & previous sessions of Parliament. The Hansards are verbatim transcripts of the proceedings of Parliament as legislation is debated, and can be used to determine context about a particular piece of legislation. Hansards from 1994 to present can be found here, and from 1867 here. Lipad — Digitized Hansards from 1901 to 2019. Proclamations — Proclamations are important for discovering the precise data on which an act comes into force. Federal proclamations are usually accomplished through Orders in Council. They may also appear in the Canada Gazette Part II, linked above. Orders in Council — A searchable database of the Orders in Council from 1990 to the present. Those from November 2002 are a full-text available in full-text on the site and previous ones can be ordered. Orders in Council also appear in the Canada Gazette Part I, linked above. Projected Order of Business — Daily tentative agenda. Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers — Showing all the chapters of the Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, with their amendments, and certain other public Acts and their amendments Table of Private Acts — All federal private Acts, other than those dealing with divorce, that have been published in the Statutes of Canada since 1867. The Table also includes amendments and repeals of those Acts. Private Acts are added to the Table after December 31 of every year. |
For more information on legal research, visit Queen's University Library's Legal Research Manual, Osgoode Hall Law School Library Research Guide, and Bora Laskin Law Library's Research Guide. If you are a WRLA member, please do not hesitate to contact to library staff.